Wednesday, May 11, 2011



Chapel by the Sea will work to increase its attendance and membership. Our goal for attendance is a 10% each year. Our goal in membership is for the 2020 membership to be 25% higher than the 2010 membership.

Increasing our membership is our primary goal at Chapel by the Sea. We offer what people need – salvation through Christ, a sense of community and a caring fellowship of friends.

The Session and its committees will determine ways to encourage more visitors to come to Chapel by the Sea.
The Worship Committee will create an instrument to help identify visitors – perhaps a gift bag that could be distributed at the beginning of worship. These gift bags would provide information about our church, and (being a bag that people would hold as they leave the worship service or enter the coffee hour) would help our members to identify visitors, which would encourage people to greet visitors.
Chapel will determine how to identify potential members and will take the initiative in inviting them to Chapel.
Chapel will routinely hold Membership Classes in January, March, May, and September of each year.


Chapel by the Sea will create and maintain a “Maintenance Fund.”

The establishing of a Maintenance Fund will alleviate the panic a church will often face when sudden, major and costly repairs are required. Such a fund will also prevent the church from losing control of the General Operating Budget by having unexpected expenses paid through that budget.

We will build up this fund to no less than $20,000 by 2015, and will continue to build it to no less than $50,000 by 2020.
We will use the 2010-11 Capital Funds Campaign to establish this fund.
Once established, all funds borrowed from the Maintenance Fund are to be repaid within 12 months.

Chapel by the Sea will create and maintain a “Summer Fund.”

RATIONALE: The Summer Fund will function in the same manner as Joseph’s storing of grain in Egypt, in which he hoarded grain during the abundant years in preparation for the lean years that he knew would come. This Summer fund will provide for our off-season expenses in a way that does not require us to borrow funds from banking institutions.

We will build up this fund to no less than $20,000 by 2015, and will continue to build it by an additional $5,000 annually.
We will place all undesignated estate gifts into the Summer Fund.
Once established, all funds borrowed from the Summer Fund are to be repaid by Easter Sunday.

Chapel by the Sea will continue to encourage planned giving amount its friends and members

Encouraging estate gifts will not solve any financial problems we are currently experiencing. They will not provide for the General Budget. However, these gifts have been and will continue to be an important part of Chapel’s overall financial program. Some of our members have pointed out that prior to 2010 emphasis on planned giving had declined and that we need to restore this emphasis.

Continue to offer occasional workshops encouraging wills, trusts and estate planning for the good of our members and their families.
Continue to encourage members to remember the Chapel by the Sea in their estate plans.
Creation of a group of people we recognize for remembering Chapel by the Sea in their wills.
Publically thank and recognize sources of estate gifts through newsletter articles.


Chapel by the Sea will be conduct a capital fund campaign, perhaps called an “Enhancement Campaign” between 2015 and 2017.

Some of the purchases and improvements we need at Chapel are listed in the following three goals – new bus, kitchen improvements and accessibility – will need major funding support. By 2015, there may be other concerns that we cannot foresee in 2010.

The Session will create an Enhancement Committee a year prior to the campaign. This committee might be created in late 2014 to early 2016. This committee will determine the needs to be addressed and the process for developing and carrying out a successful campaign.
The Enhancement Committee will present a plan of action to the Session for implementing in between 2015 and 2017.

Chapel by the Sea will purchase a second bus by 2017.

RATIONALE: Chapel will need a replacement of the current bus at some time during 2010-2020. We also have need of a second bus for transporting individuals to church.

The purchase of the second bus will be included in a future capital fund campaign.
A fund for the replacement of the current bus will be created as part of the capital fund campaign. When the purchase of the replacement bus may or may not be soon after this capital campaign.

Chapel by the Sea will improve the kitchen facilities in Silver Hall by 2017.

The kitchen needs immediate attention. It is possible that the improvements might not wait for a 2017 capital campaign.

1. The funding of this project will be included in a future capital fund campaign.

Chapel by the Sea will be handicap accessible and ADA compliant by 2020.

Those using wheelchairs have no access to the second floor of our Christian Education wing or choir. Those using walkers or who have difficulty walking have limited access to all of the church buildings. The restrooms are not accessible to those in wheel chairs, and there is limited access to those with walkers. Chapel welcomes all people, including those with mobility issues. Many of our members are seniors and we are finding accessibility to be a growing issue with many.

Funding for accessible improvements will be through designated gifts and grants.
The first stage (and our top priority) will be to address the access to the Sanctuary. We have ramps, but they are long and many find them difficult.
Other priorities will be: improving accessibility in rest rooms, access to the second floor of the Christian Education Building and to the choir loft.

Chapel by the Sea will complete the organ by 2020.

There is a part of the organ that has never been purchased, built or installed. Completing this portion of the organ is dear to some of the long-time members of Chapel by the Sea.

Much of the funding will come from designated gifts, including estate gifts. There are those who have included this project in their wills.
The Enhancement Committee will discuss including this project as part of the capital fund campaign we expect to have in 2015/17.


Chapel by the Sea will improve the church’s security by 2012.

We have no monitored fire alarm system at Chapel by the Sea. If a fire breaks out, someone may pull an alarm, not reading the notice above it that indicates someone must also call 911.

Part of our Capital Campaign for 2010-11 includes the video monitoring via the Internet of the property. This should be accomplished in “phase two” of this campaign.
We will install and maintain a monitoring system by 2012, paying for this through the General Operations Budget, and/or Memorial Gifts.


Chapel by the Sea will increase its opportunities for spiritual growth and development.

Christian Education, Sunday School and Bible Studies are a cornerstone of our church’s ministry.

We will develop an annual retreat to Ceaderkirk for families. Similar to the Family Camps we once held at Ceaderkirk, these will be called Chapel Retreats.
We will develop more Bible Studies such as the Chapel Chats offered by the pastor during “season.”
We will develop a growing Sunday School program for all ages.

Chapel by the Sea will offer a trip to Guatemala for the youth in 2013 or 2014.

A mission trip to another culture can be a life changing experience for young people. Such a trip will also strengthen our ties with our sister church.

The funding of this project will be through fund raising activities, led primarily by the youth, during 2012 and 2013.
The trip will be directed by the pastor and the DCE who will personally participate in the travel.


Chapel will create an annual fund-raising event for the church and community called “Dolphin Days” beginning in 2012.

The concept of the Dolphin Days came from a Funding Commission in 2010 as they studied various ways to increase income. Dolphin Days is a perfect name for a Chapel event. It would include a Fish Fry, fun events (dance, bingo, a concert, etc) that would become known in the community as one of the town’s annual events.

The Fellowship Committee will organize (either directly or through a special committee) the Dolphin Days celebration.
The first Dolphin Days should be held in January through March, 2012.


Chapel by the Sea will celebrate the tenth anniversary of God’s Table in 2011.

This ministry has operated successfully for ten years and deserves this celebration and recognition.

The Mission Committee will lead the planning for this event, working closely with the God’s Table Board.

Chapel by the Sea will develop and implement a plan for funding the Mission Trust Fund.

The Mission Trust Fund has help fund missions, but is not being maintained.

The Mission Committee will develop a plan of action for how to maintain the Mission Trust Fund for the future.

Mission Committee will give a thorough review of all mission partners and recipients in 2012.

While some review is ongoing, it has been the tradition and practice of Chapel by the Sea to give a thorough review every five years. The last such review was in 2007.

The review will be conducted by the Mission Committee in 2012.
The review will be presented to the Session.

Mission Committee will publish a revision of the Mission Booklet, often called the “Blue Book” in 2012.

This book was most recently revised in 2007. It has been revised every five years.

After the thorough review of all mission partners and recipients, the Mission Committee will revise the Mission Booklet.
Copies of the Mission Booklet will be provided to all members and will be available for distribution in the office and sanctuary.

Chapel by the Sea will encourage the establishment of a homeless shelter near Fort Myers Beach.

Homelessness is a growing problem on our island. There are shelters in Lee County, but not in our immediate area.

Chapel by the Sea will remain sensitive to opportunities that may develop in the future, including resource persons who might take the lead in such a program.
We do not foresee Chapel offering such a program onsite, or even on the island.
It will not be possible for Chapel to take the lone lead in this effort, unless new leadership with past experience in homeless shelters join Chapel’s membership.
We will encourage and support others to explore, develop and implement this ministry.


Chapel by the Sea will hold a 75th anniversary celebration on Palm Sunday, 2013.

The Chapel has a great history and the 75th anniversary is a significant and noteworthy anniversary.

The Session will form a special anniversary committee in early 2012.
The special committee will plan and direct an appropriate celebration event.


It is often said that whenever churches plan, God laughs. We cannot know all that God will lead us to do in the next ten years. God will surprise us. God will lead us into unexpected places, give us unexpected opportunities and offer us unique challenges.

This Long Range Plan is an imperfect attempt to prepare for what we think God wants us to do. These plans are the result of prayer, discerning God’s will, and listening to the people. The committees who worked on these plans remain open to God’s ever revealing Spirit.
When the next Long Range Plan is developed, people will look back and evaluate this one. In some cases, they may see that we did not accomplish some of our plans. On the other hand, they will look back on significant achievements that were not foreseen in this Long Range Plan. Let those people look back and say, “Chapel listened to God and followed

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